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About Maiden Voyage Adventures

Maiden Voyage Adventures is a company with four offerings:


Primarily, we offer recovery scuba diving, and other underwater services. This can include looking for and assisting with removing obstructions, metal detecting for lost jewelry, cutting off tangled ropes, clearing boat slips, taking underwater video, or finding a lost cell phone or set of keys. Metal detecting on land is also available if needed.

We also offer guided backpacking trips, backpacking gear rental, and sea kayaking classes. ​We believe that all people should enjoy nature and push the boundaries of what they believe is possible, regardless of where they are in their fitness journey or their level of expertise. Whether you are taking the first step or have already found your stride, being in nature is a wonderful place to walk.


We believe that time spent outdoors can inspire positive change in individuals, and thus in the greater community. Taking on the physical, mental, and emotional challenge of learning a new sport such as backpacking in a supportive environment can be so beneficial. By encountering obstacles and overcoming them, you build up your confidence in not only your physical ability, but your mental strength and your emotional resilience. Communing with nature nurtures your mind and body, and these experiences are a sure way to build bonds and cement friendships.


Finally, we believe it is our pleasure and our responsibility to take care of and give back to these lands as they give to us. We are gratified to be able to teach responsible enjoyment of our beautiful public lands. Careless use can irreparably damage lands for future visitors, but we follow leave-no-trace principles and aim to leave the area better than we found it.


Please get in touch by email or by calling 586-873-8110 if you’re interested in any of our offerings or have any questions!


Lisa Eick

Lisa is an experienced outdoor guide, certified Wilderness First Responder, and advanced open water scuba diver. She is passionate about the healing power of the natural world, and has lived and worked in the outdoors in Wisconsin, California, Mexico, and New Zealand. Her expedition experience includes a six-hundred mile kayaking trip down the West Coast of California and Baja. She believes that challenging the body in the outdoors leads to emotional and mental growth, and is excited to facilitate your next adventure!

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“[Lisa is] a warrior, counselor, and gourmet chef!"

“Lisa was our guide, and she was calm, knowledgeable, and supportive. The six of us [...] had differing abilities, but she kept us together and pointed out interesting points (wildlife, vegetation) as we went along”.

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